Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Morning Session!

We survived another night and started our Sunday off with our third session with Coach Walton!

We looked at how we should surround ourselves with people who love God AND love us and that as Christians, we should seek relationships with people who will rise to our level rather than settle for relationships that require us to lower ourselves to their level.

To make the point that parents aren't against their teenagers when they correct/discipline them, Coach Walton used an example of a boxer in a boxing match that just puts his hands behinds his back and lets his opponent wail away on him but then when he gets back to his corner where his coaches are there to encourage him he turns and starts wailing on THEM! He said that's like a teenager in a bad relationship who takes all kinds of abuse from the other person but then when their parents try to talk to them (or correct them) they blow up and blame their parents.

As we dismissed to small groups to really dig into this more, Coach Walton challenged us all to seek God's will and examine our relationships and then walk away from the ones that aren't Christ-like.

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