Monday, February 20, 2012

Camp Awards!

Team leaders have been watching their students all weekend and taking notes on which students stand out as leaders. One student from each team was chosen to receive an award for showing "excellence on a team and individual level through stewardship, serving, and encouraging others"

This year's recipients are:
Erica Smith from Red Revolution
Chase Soares from the Sweet Potatoes
Kyle Kemp from the Yellow Minnions
Samantha Dudley from the Green Ganuganugas
Brandon Petty from the New Blue Crew
Jordie Holt from the Flying Purple People Eaters
Sarah Ryer from Pink-E
Michael Bracken from the Tighty Whities
Aaron Carver from Right Black Atcha
McKenzie Lane from the Gold Ganstas

(Reading through this list for the first time just now gives me chills...Knowing the back story behind these 10 kids it makes us SO incredibly proud that in the course of just 3 days they have made SUCH an impression on both the leaders and the students around them. We are SO proud to know each of these students and consider ourselves BLESSED to get to be a part of this time in their lives!)

(Kelcee Holt representing her sister, Jordie Holt)

And now...Time for the FINAL points standings!
The Green Ganuganugas - 515,000
The Gold Gangstas - 525,100
The New Blue Crew - 560,750
The Yellow Minions - 630,600
The Sweet Potatoes - 684,850
The Whitey Tighties - 687,100
Red Revolution - 811,700
The Flying Purple People Eaters - 812,600
Right Black Atcha - 885,600
Pink-E - 927,750

And one final Winter Camp X birthday to celebrate...Gabriel Simpson! Happy B-day dude!


Thanks for sharing in camp with us...SEE YA NEXT YEAR!!

Sunday Night Late Night!

Our last Late Night already?!? No way! Even a long weekend isn't long enough for JSM camps! (Do you REALLY want your kids back or can we all stay here together?? Camp's are SUCH an awesome bonding experience that we're all like family now and it's so bittersweet to leave...)

Okay okay...Enough of the sap! Let's see what was up with Late Night tonight!!


First up, a Leader Challenge! It INVOLVES an odd combination of food, but they didn't have to EAT it...(We save that for your STUDENTS!) One student from each team was chosen and their challenge was to cover their leaders' face with peanut butter and goldfish crackers! Leader with the most fishies after a minute wins!







And of course on our last night we've GOT to break out the blender for one more round of That's Nasty! Tonight's ingredients - Sprite, mayo, onion, banana, spaghetti-o's and a chocolate covered doughnut with sprinkles! Sound nasty enough?? WE thought so, but some of these students chugged their full cup so quick there wasn't even time for pictures!!








The Results:
1st - Kelcee Holt from Pink-E!
2nd - Chandler Willingham from Red Revolution
3rd - Michael Bracken from the Whitey Tighties
4th - Davis Coss from the Gold Gangstas
5th - Noah Shaw from the Yellow Minions
6th - Chase Soares from the Sweet Potatoes
7th - Luke Paulos from Right Black Atcha
8th - Amador Landaverde from the Green Ganuganugas
9th - Cole Jordan tapped out by Sarah Nixon for the Flying Purple People Eaters
10th - Luke Stokes tapped out by Will Chandler for the New Blue Crew

And let's not forgot today's birthday peeps! Happy birthday to Hunter Bentley & Khristian Pennino!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Session 5 - Sunday Night





"Leaving a PERMANENT mark"

When you are marked by God, you are marked by God...Period!

Galations 6:12-17 "Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ. Not even those who are circumcised obey the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your flesh. May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world. Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation. Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, even to the Israel of God. Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus."

The single mark of a believer is LOVE - Love for God and love for one another. But their is no such thing as love without sacrifice (John 3:16).

Is there enough evidence in your life of sacrificial love to show others that you are marked?

As Pastor Bobby was closing his message tonight he asked us to close our eyes and place our hands in our lap. Then for anyone who could say they are marked by God or want to be marked by God he asked us to turn the palm of our hand up. Silently he went around and literally marked our hands with a cross.

Next we all came forward to take communion and be individually prayed for Bobby, Gina, Steve & Sarah...The spirit of God was so tangible in the room as we spent time praying with each and over students who were still trying to hold strong. Walls crumbled as Pastor Bobby spoke words directly from the Lord to some specific students and leaders.

"Everyone was filled with awe" Acts 2:43

I'd love to be able to describe in great detail the awesomeness of this night, but I could never do it justice. I hope your students will want to share their specific experiences with you but even then, without having been here you could never truly comprehend how the spirit of God moved so powerfully...


Thank you for teaming with is in covering this prayer with camp and continuing to pray fervently for everyone here throughout this entire weekend...

The Amazing Race

Today's Rec Time was a JSM version of "The Amazing Race"!! As teams completed each challenge they were given an envelope with the rules/location of their next challenge...

Traffic Jam - The team is split into two groups facing each other and must switch places following certain rules.




Floating Bar - It's not as easy as you'd think to lower this bar to the ground with everyone's fingers touching!


Leaky Pipes - The goal is to transfer a golf ball through pieces of PVC pipe from one place to another.


Pulse - Similar to the game "Telephone" but a number is passed around the circle by squeezing hands




Count to 30 - Students attempt to count to 30 by blurting out consecutive numbers but if two people speak at the same time they must start over.


Untangled - After completing the other challenges each team ends up at the final challenge where they must untie a knotted rope but each person only has 20 seconds before they have to pass it on





Once the final challenge has been completed the teams race to the finish where Steve was waiting! It was so awesome to see the teams who had finished cheering on the teams who were still working!






Race Results:
The Flying Purple People Eaters
The Whitey Tighties
Right Black Atcha
The Green Ganuganugas
The Gold Gangstas
Sweet Potatoes
The Yellow Minnions
The New Blue Crew
Red Revolution

Session 4 - Sunday Morning

This morning we looked at the story of Ananias when he was called to go to Saul (the Christian killer who had been blinded on the road to Damascus) to heal him. Ananias' first response? "Yes, Lord."

The point, was Ananias wasn't called to go around the world to see Saul, he just had to go right down the street.

Who is in our circle of influence that we should be sharing our mark with?
-Ask God to put you in the game ("Yes, Lord")
-Do your assignment ("Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street")
-Don't tap out - play every play (The next play could be the big one - The next word could be the thing that triggers something in a friend that starts their process)


Sunday Morning Points Update!

Whitey Tighties – 291,500

The New Blue Crew – 314,500

Green Ganuganugas – 318,500

Red Revolution – 383,500

Gold Gangstas – 387,000

Yellow Minnions – 410,000

Right Black Atcha – 439,000

Sweet Potatoes – 478,500

Pink-E – 514,000

Flying Purple People Eater – 656,000

Saturday Night Late Night!

Tonight we started off with a good ol’ thumb wrestling tournament for out Leader Challenge where Amber and Annella showed off their feisty sides but were still conquered by Johnathan!!









Our next game was a favorite from Summer Camp 2010 called “Junk in the Trunk” – The object is to bounce all the ping pong balls out of the tissue box strapped around your money maker!





Lyndsey Smith from the Red Revolution!


Savannah Willingham from the Sweet Potatoes!


Mallory Holt from Right Black Atcha!


Casey Gage from the Gold Gangstas!


Aiyana Diggs from the Flying Purple People Eaters!


Meghan Carrier from the Whitey Tighties!


Chloe Millard from the New Blue Crew!


Kelcee Holt from Pink-E!


Abbie Bryan from the Yellow Minnions!


Andrew Hodnick from the Green Ganuganugas!

And the winner?? Andrew!! Followed by Kelcee and Abbie…All three with times UNDER 10 seconds!

But don’t leave us just yet! We’ve got one more challenge for the night! It’s time to get nasty!! How about we see who can finish off one can each of sardines, Vienna sausages and potted meat the fastest?!?









So who conquered this nastiness that STILL has the entire gymnatorium smelling of wet cat food?? From first to last:

Cole Jordan from Red Revolution!

Sayvon Moore from Pink-E!

Jordie Holt from the Flying Purple People Eaters!

Mason Beasley from the Yellow Minnions!

Samantha Dudley from the Green Ganuganugas!

David Diggs from the Sweet Potatoes!

Luke Paulos from Right Black Atcha!

Will Chandler from the New Blue Crew!

Brent from the Gold Ganstas!

David Barton from the Whitey Tighties!