Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday Morning Session!

Our third day here at camp has started off great!

First off, the spirit flag was awarded to Pink-a-Boo!


Then it was time to but our teams to the test in the next round of the Max Out Academic Bowl!

Today's Challengers:

Ansleigh (Blue), Courtney (Green), Becca (Black), Erin (Pink)

Luke (Yellow), Devyn (Red), Corey (Purple), Jason (Orange)



The Questions:

1. Street Cred for 100 - What is bought by the yard and worn by the foot?

2. Bible Facts for 100 - What is the middle chapter of the Bible?

3. Randomness for 100 - 20% of the world lives where?

4. Street Cred for 200 - What gets wet when drying?

5. Bible Facts for 200 - John 11:35 is the shortest verse in the Bible. What is it?

6. Randomness for 200 - According to statistics, on average, who lives longer? Lefties or Righties?

7. Street Cred for 300 - Besides his natural color, what color did Ben Adkins once dye his hair?

8. Bible Facts for 300 - There are over how many authors in the Bible? a)40, b)50, c)60

9. Randomness - People spend about 2 years of their lives where? a)At a sink, b)Eating fast food, c)At traffic lights

Moving on to the next round is Becca, Erin & Luke and it looks like BB has been smuggling Ethan's baby food! Ewww!! That CAN'T be good!!




Once again the girls dominated! Erin cleaned her jar out first followed by Becca!


Session 5 - Max Out in Love (Steve White)

In this morning's session we took a look at 1 John 4:7-21 to see what we could learn about love. Steve talked about how we're all called to show the world God's love through loving each other. He referenced the ultimate example of love, Christ (1 John 3:16) and challenged us with the fact that in return for His sacrifice we should strive to love each other.

Verse 21 in 1 John 4 commands us to love our brother, but so often we can be consumed with being loved ourselves. We get the mindset of "Well, if they don't love me I'm not going to love them!" but it just doesn't work like that. We can't pick and choose who we want to love. It's not always easy and sometimes it can be a chore, but according to the Bible, not loving is not an option!

The Answers:

1. Carpet (Despite giving hints by practically licking the carpet, no one could get this one!)

2. Psalm 118 (Okay so, Corey got the Psalm part and Becca said a chapter number with an "8" in it...So points for both for getting in the ballpark!)

3. China (Devyn must've paid attention in social studies!)

4. A towel! (It took a clue for Corey to get this one..."Most of you used one of these this morning...Well, unless you're a middle school guy!)

5. "Jesus Wept" (Way to go Erin!)

6. Righties (You've got a 50/50 chance and you guessed wrong, Devyn!)

7. Blue! (Erin knew this one! Her and Ben are pretty tight! Maybe b/c they both like awesome colored hair!)

8. 40 (Good job Luke!)

9. Traffic lights (2 years?? Wow...Glad it's not all at one time!)

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