Sunday, July 31, 2011

Awards Day!

Team Showtime Superalatives:

Most Gender Confused Skit - Purple Punishers
Funniest Skit - Green Horns
Best Use of Theme - Yellow Fever
Best Leader Impersonation Skit - IncREDible Apes
Best Use of Team - Pink-a-Boo
Most Random Skit - Blue Smurfin' Crew
Most Creative Skit - Sunny D
Most Multi-Cultural Skit -Black Cracker

Individual Showtime Superlatives:

Brattiest Actress - Alexis
Best Inanimate Objects - Jake & Jason
Most Surprising Performance - Andrew
Best Leader Impersonation - Naomi
Best Male Performance - Johnathan
Best Female Performance - Savannah & Sean

Overall Best Skits:

4th Place - Green Horns
3rd Place - Purple Punishers
2nd Place - Sunny D
1st Place - Pink-a-Boo

Final Points:

117,200 - Black Crackers
150,600 - Blue Smurfin' Crew
157,100 - Purple Punishers
159,600 - Yellow Fever
288,000 - IncREDible Apes
425,300 - Pink-a-Boo
483,000 - Green Horns
597,200 - Sunny D

Servant's Heart Awards:

IncREDible Apes - Hunter Thompson
Sunny D - Lyndsey Smith
Yellow Fever - Devaughn Moore
Green Horns - Josh Beaver
Blue Smurfin' Crew - Brent Lucky
Purple Punishers - Jake Stokes
Pink-a-Boo - Braydon Woodward
Black Crackers - Taylor Irwin

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