Sunday, July 31, 2011

Awards Day!

Team Showtime Superalatives:

Most Gender Confused Skit - Purple Punishers
Funniest Skit - Green Horns
Best Use of Theme - Yellow Fever
Best Leader Impersonation Skit - IncREDible Apes
Best Use of Team - Pink-a-Boo
Most Random Skit - Blue Smurfin' Crew
Most Creative Skit - Sunny D
Most Multi-Cultural Skit -Black Cracker

Individual Showtime Superlatives:

Brattiest Actress - Alexis
Best Inanimate Objects - Jake & Jason
Most Surprising Performance - Andrew
Best Leader Impersonation - Naomi
Best Male Performance - Johnathan
Best Female Performance - Savannah & Sean

Overall Best Skits:

4th Place - Green Horns
3rd Place - Purple Punishers
2nd Place - Sunny D
1st Place - Pink-a-Boo

Final Points:

117,200 - Black Crackers
150,600 - Blue Smurfin' Crew
157,100 - Purple Punishers
159,600 - Yellow Fever
288,000 - IncREDible Apes
425,300 - Pink-a-Boo
483,000 - Green Horns
597,200 - Sunny D

Servant's Heart Awards:

IncREDible Apes - Hunter Thompson
Sunny D - Lyndsey Smith
Yellow Fever - Devaughn Moore
Green Horns - Josh Beaver
Blue Smurfin' Crew - Brent Lucky
Purple Punishers - Jake Stokes
Pink-a-Boo - Braydon Woodward
Black Crackers - Taylor Irwin

The Ultimate Challenge!

The suspense is no more! Time to check out the ultimate challenge!

The funny thing is, the 3 teams represented here are the 3 teams currently in first, second & third place so the student who finishes first will be ensuring a win for their team!

Warning: NOT for the weak stomachs out there!!








Oh no!! What's wrong BB?? Feeling a little queasy??


Want to know the winner?? Stay tuned for Award's Day!

Sunday Morning Session!!

Yep...It's definitely the last day of camp, but we're finishing strong!

Time to reward our spirit flag for one last time...


The the Blue Smurfin' Crew!

This is our last full session so our last chance to max it out in our academic bowl!

Today's Challengers:

Naomi (Red), Chandler (Blue), Madison S. (Purple), Jessica (Pink)

Michael C. (Green), Johnathan (Orange), Neill (Yellow), Andrew (Black)



The Questions:

1. Street Cred for 100 - Which hairstyle by Brandon Reeves even had it's own Facebook Fan Page?

2. Bible Facts for 100 - Who had the most wives in the Bible?

3. Randomness for 100 - According to Georgia law, donkeys may not be kept where? a)In backyards, b)In a bathtub, c)In a car with the ignition off

4. Street Cred for 200 - What goes around the world but stays in one corner?

5. Bible Facts for 200 - The word "Bible" comes from the Greek word "Bible" which means what?

6. Randomness for 200 - What is the tallest building in the United States?

7. Street Cred for 300 - What is the name of the campground where we are staying?

8. Bible Facts for 300 - What is Methuselah known for in the Bible?

9. Randomness for 300 - Including this camp, how many camps has JSM put on?

And our final top 3 for the ultimate challenge?? Jessica, Johnathan & Michael!

The challenge?? How about a nice, blended mixture of all the previous challenges?? That's onion, banana, Sprite, Spaghetti-o's, baby food, doughnut & mayo!




But hang tight! The students will be enjoying their concoction after the session! (Outside!) - Stay tuned!

Session 7 - Max Out and Don't Quit (Steve White)

For our closing session we looked at the story of Gideon in Judges 8:22-35. After all the battles the Israelites had won they wanted Gideon to be their leader but Gideon told them the LORD needed to be their leader since it was because of HIM that they had won the battles.

The Israelites brought together all their gold and made an ephod (a rich garment) to symbolize the hand of God on them, but after a while they began to worship the garment itself instead...

Steve challenged us not to worship our time here at camp but rather to worship GOD for the battles He won for us while we were here. Camp shouldn't be just fun experience or a cool memory but it should be something we can use to remind us not quit and to continue pushing forward!

The Answers:

1. A mullet! (Naomi knew this and Johnathan gets bonus points for knowing it was at summer camp last year!)

2. King Solomon (How could anyone put up with that many women!?)

3. Bathtubs! (Have you had experience with this law, Johnathan??)

4. A stamp! (Neill guess a globe, but with a little clue Jessica got it!)

5. Books (Way to go Michael!)

6. The Sears Tower (Jessica even know that it's in Chicago!)

7. FFA Camp (Glad Neill knew where we've spent the past four days!)

8. The oldest man (Wow! 969 years!)

9. 9 (So our next Winter Camp will be our 10th! The theme will be "X" and everything will be all about 10!)

Sunday Morning Quiet Time...

Knowing you did well on somethings is a great feeling. It's the same in your Christian life, isn't it?

Take a look at Matthew 25:14-30...

  • How much was the first servant given?
  • What did he do with what he was given
  • What did his master say when he was finished?

Take note that the master didn't follow the servants around while they were working. He didn't whip the servants to get them to work harder or faster or nag them about the way they were doing things. In fact, the master felt confident enough in the servants' abilities to the work he left and went on a trip. If the first servant had been lazy and unmotivated there's no way he would've doubled his money. If he decided it was too hard and he was going to take some time off do you think he would've doubled his money?

  • How much have you been given in talents and abilities?
  • What do you think God expects you to do with what he's given you?
  • Do you think God is going to go out of His way to try to motivate you and push you to do something with what He's given you? Why or why not?
  • What is your responsibility?
  • What should you do when you feel unmotivated or like you need time off from following God with your whole heart?
  • What do you think God will say at the end of your life if you haven't given up?








Dance Party!!






Saturday, July 30, 2011

How About a Points Update!?!

These are the points going into tonight...(But ANYTHING can still happen! Tons of points will be awarded tonight! We've got people all decked out in their colors and we're about to get our laugh on during Showtime when each team performs an original, random skit!)

8 - Purple Punishers - 56,600

7 - Black Crackers - 67,200

6 - Sunny D - 107,200

5 - Blue Smurfin' Crew - 150,100

4 - Yellow Fever - 159,600

3 - Pink-a-Boo - 165,300

2 - Green Horns - 263,000

1 - IncREDible Apes - 268,000

Saturday Night Session!

Good evening from camp! Is it really our last night already?? These few days have flown by but we're taking advantage of every minute!

Ready for some Max Out Academic Bowl action?? Can you handle it??

Tonight's Challengers:

Sarah (Blue), Devon (Purple), Harlee (Blue), Meghan (Yellow)

Josh (Green), Haley (Red), Alexis (Orange), Savannah W. (Pink)

The Questions:

1. Street Cred for 100 - What does the abbreviation "DNA" stand for?

2. Bible Facts for 100 - The Bible is divided into testaments, books, chapters and what?

3. Randomness for 100 - Who was the voice of Donkey in Shrek?

4. Street Cred for 200 - You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What am I?

5. In the book of Genesis, Jacob rested in a city called Luz and used a group of stones for what?

6. Randomness for 200 - The average person spends 20 minutes a day (Roughly 13 months + 1 week over 80 years) doing what?

7. Street Cred for 300 - How long has Steve been chillin' with the students of JSM?

8. Bible Facts for 300 - At Journey, the summer series has been "Did You Get My Text?" What "text" have we been referring to?

9. Randomness for 300 - What is the capital of New York?

Our high scorers this round? Meghan, Josh & Savannah!

The challenge - Conquer a mayo-iced doughnut! 50,000 if you finish, with an extra 50,000 for the first one to down it! Not feeling up to up to it? Trade out with a teammate, but your point values will be cut in half...

Meghan stuck with it but Savannah traded out with Sayvon and Josh traded out with Colton!



Sayvon downed his doughnut first for a total of 50k! Meghan finished hers for 50k and then Colton finished his for 25k!



Session 6 - Max Out in Excellence (Sarah White)

Sarah shared with us from one of her favorite books of the Bible, Daniel. We looked at the story of when King Nebuchadnezzar had the "best" of the Israelite young men brought into his service. One of these men was Daniel and he chose to honor the Lord (and seek excellence) by requesting NOT to eat the King's food (even though it was probably some really great food!).

Because God is excellent and we are made in His image, we too should work towards being excellent...And not just excellent in the things we LIKE, but also in the things we DON'T like!

Sarah had us write different areas of our lives on a notecard and check off ones in which we're already excellent...Next, we circled the ones that we need to improve or we're bored with or that we just flat out don't like. These are the ones to be worked on...These are the ones we're seeking God about and working to make a plan to become excellent!

The Answers:

1. Deoxyribonucleic acid (This was opened up to any student...Who knew it without hesitation?? Devaughn!)

2. Verses (They all knew this but Haley was the quickest with her flashlight!)

3. Eddie Murphy (Josh loves him some Donkey!)

4. An ear of corn! (This one took an acted out clue but Meghan scored!)

5. A pillow (Sounds comfy!)

6. Time on the toilet! (Haley was close with taking a shower but Josh was right on!)

7. 5 and a half years! (And loving every minute!)

8. The RED text! Jesus' words! (Meghan's been paying attention for sure!)

9. Albany (No, Haley, it's not New York...Maybe Josh can help you out!)

How We Roll!
























