Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Night Session

 It's really hard to keep the days straight when we're here at camp...But here we are, our second night already after our first full day!

Tonight we’re picking up with Joseph’s story in Genesis 39 where he's come to live at Potiphar’s house, gets arrested (b/c Potiphar’s wife was a liar!) and goes to prison but then is brought to interpret Pharaoh’s dream after having interpreted some other guys’ dreams and then becomes second in command of all of Egypt!


Brett pointed out that often we live our lives like it is a short story – Like, everything has to be now! Make me happy now! We make choices based on NOW and how we feel NOW. Joseph was 17 when he was first sold into slavery by his brothers but it wasn’t until he was 30 that he became Pharaoh’s right-hand man!

If we haven’t already, we will all go through times when we feel like Joseph did…Like the worst can’t get any worse until it does…But we go through all of this to build perseverance, which builds character, which builds hope! (Knowing that God is always with us and not done with us!)

Check out Romans 5:3-6

Did you catch the last verse? “In due time…” – Not OUR due time, but HIS due time.

So the thing is, for a lot of us, it just comes down to trust. Do we trust Him? Do we trust Him enough that our lives would be complete without that boy or girl?  Do we trust Him enough to quit trying so hard to fit in?  Do we trust Him enough that we’ll quit trying to please people and gain their approval?  Do we trust Him enough to believe that even if we have hurts in our lives that He has a better ending in mind?  Do we trust Him enough to be okay if no one knew our name?  Do we trust Him enough to let Him pull us out of the prison we've dug ourselves into?  Do we trust HIM enough to know that at the perfect time HE rescues?

Tonight in our small groups we’re looking at the following questions:

  1. How did you see Joseph trusting God?
  2. Are you a patient person?
  3. Where do you lack the most patience?
  4. Do you find it hard to trust God in every area of your life? If so, with what and why?
  5. Read Proverbs 3:5 - How does our "understanding" play a role in our trust in God? 

1 comment:

  1. All i can say is Gods timing is perfect. Im praying
    for hearts and minds to be open to the word of God.
    Layla Boyd
