Hello from Flat Rock, NC where JSM Summer Camp 2013 is officially underway!!
We are SO EXCITED to FINALLY be here and are looking forward to an AWESOME 4 days!!
Of course, our first order of business to kick off our first session is coming up with our team names!!
Kate - Representing "The Rednecks"
Jakin - Representing "The Green Raxacoricofallapatorius"
Andrew - Representing "The Quack Pack"
Hunter - Representing "BB Blues"
And a quick shout out to our Seniors that are here with us at camp!
Hunter, Devaughn, Bethany, Alexis & Erick
Kicking off our first worship session! (Led by our very own Drake Kent)
And our camp speaker - THE Brett Laxton!
As an intro to this year's camp theme, "STORY," Brett took us to Mark 10:25-35 where after Jesus has told the disciples that He was going to die, James and John asked Jesus if they could sit on either side of Him in heaven. It's like they were saying, "Yeah, Jesus, we got it! So you're gonna die...And we'll be called "Christians" and it's supposed to be all about You, but will You make US great? Will you make US known??"
Brett pointed out, if
you want your story to be great, you have to do everything you can to take the
focus off of YOU and put it on Jesus...Otherwise, your story is just
going to be like everyone else's.
Tonight, as we spend some time in our small groups, we're thinking about these questions:
- What would people say YOUR story is about right now? (Not what YOU think your story is about, but what OTHERS see it as...)
- What are you chasing after?
- Up until this point in your story, who have you made great?
- Write down 3 words that you want to be known by. And then think what would your life be like if you took one year of your life to concentrate on these 3 words?
Camp is just beginning and we hope you'll join us over the next few days as we dig into God's Word and figure out together just what each of our own stories mean and how we can use them to impact the world!
(Plus you don't want to miss out on all the crazy, fun, nasty pictures of YOUR students having a blast! Catch ya later! Or in the morning!
Whichever comes first!)